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Who We Are

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Carrie Campbell, MBA

Executive Director 

Carrie has been with the Truman Council since 2019. This year she has written 2award-winning grants for our communities worth over 3.4 million dollars. Carrie has been writing grants for over 25 years, starting when she was serving our country in the U.S. Navy. She also attended University of Notre Dame and holds a Masters in Accounting from Pittsburg State University. She is a wife, a mother, and a proud member of the Seneca Cayuga Nation.



Olivia Spencer, AS

Finance Officer

Olivia is a long-time Webb City resident and graduated from Crowder College with an Associates in Business Administration. She brings excellent financial skills with eight years of banking experience, which is where she found her love of helping people. 


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Austin Butera, BA

Environmental Planner

Austin graduated with degrees in Environmental Planning and Spanish Language & Literature. He is passionate about enhancing the mutualistic relationships between our natural systems and the development of our communities. 


Misty Hailey, ED.S

Grant Writer

Misty is a long-time grant writer who also doubles as the Superintendent of Westview C-6 schools. When she is not managing the school, she helps Truman with many large grants and is the expert on all things grant-related. She is also a proud wife, mother, and grandmother. 


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